[Programming] Detecting Manually Mapped (Unsigned) modules

less than 1 minute read

I firstly wanna note that this was originally published by me on my old blog back in January 2020. Essentially the information provided here still the same.

Hello, i wanna show the reader a easy way to detect modules that where not loaded by the windows native loader.

The API we gonna use is VirtualQuery.


We will initiate by utilizing this API and querying all the memory until it fails.


We also check if the memory is either EXECUTE_READ or EXECUTE_READWRITE.


Here’s a small check to skip some Windows Native DLLs, which is a common case on WoW64.

One thing to notice here, you may have problems with Antivirus mapped .dlls, sometimes you gonna just find a unknown module and either can or cannot be a legit module (manual analyze that i guess?).


That is simple, a simplier version of GetModuleHandleEx, if no module is found then the function fails.

And there you go, the final thing:


With the above snippet you’re able to detect unsigned memory on the current scanning process context, be aware that it might raise false positives.
